Sunday, July 26, 2009

my latest scheme

A couple of pink polka dotted hairbows.

I often get these sometimes crazy ideas about what I should do in my spare time. They often involve lots of work and money to buy the necessary supplies. I don't know why I seem to be obsessed with doing something besides just being a mom. I just am. Anyway, Michael calls these ideas "schemes" because I usually grow out of the idea right after I've bought everything I need to do it. I try to tell him to be nice about it. I mean, it drives him crazy I know, but can you imagine being inside my head and having to deal with crazy ideas all the time? He usually is nice and allows me to do what I want and keeps the teasing to a minimum. So, my latest scheme is to sell my handmade creations (dresses, hairbows, baby slings, dresses, hooded towels etc etc) on etsy. I also decided to participate in a craft fair. Here are a few photos of some of my creations.

A hooded towel and matching washcloth. This one says "splish splash" on the hood.
A baby sling that I made for a friend's baby shower. I hope she likes it. I thought this fabric was pretty gender neutral, since she doesn't know what she's having yet.
Here is the whole gift I gave her. It included the baby sling and a matching bib and burp cloth. I must say I really loved this set. You know sometimes you love what you make and sometimes it falls short of your expectations. I hope my friend gets good use of this stuff.


  1. Becca--
    I had no idea just how crafty you are! wow! I wish i lived closer to you. I love the 'get an idea, spend lots of $$ on supplies, make a proto type, and move on type thinking. I'm right there with you. Go for it! See you soon--like this next weekend!
    ~Aunt Michelle

  2. I need you to get your site up and running so I can purchase some stuff for my bundle of fun.

  3. I love the you have a pattern? Where can I get it? I can do this...forget wheat...I can sew!

  4. where is mine- that is what I want to know!!

  5. Wow you are so crafty! Did I mention that I am expecting. Hint hint. haha
