Two of my favorite people (most of the time).

My Chinese teacher told me that this weekend was going to be the peak for the cherry blossom trees this year and suggested we take the kids downtown. I'm sure glad we did. It was a great day. We went in the morning, before Michael's class on Friday. The weather was great and the kids had a great time. Once we made it through the crowds (downtown DC during spring break season is insane!), we stopped for a little picnic lunch. Ian killed his sandwich.

As you can see, I didn't actually get many pictures of the cherry blossoms, but they are lovely. I hope to go back next week to get more pictures.

Here is Michael and his mini me. I guess their looking alike-ness isn't going to change anytime soon. It's a good thing I like both of them.

I guess Michael killed his sandwich too. What a fun day we had. Afterwards, we accompanied Michael to his class where Leah and Ian met Michael's laoshi (teacher). She loved them, especially Leah when she started singing in Chinese. Michael has been training her well (Leah, not his teacher).