Friday, May 22, 2009

game time on the cruise

So I don't think I've made it very clear here, but Michael and I recently went on a cruise with our bff's, the Arthurs. Leah and I tagged along with Michael, who was in Washington DC for a couple of weeks to take a course for work back at the end of April and the Arthurs were moving to Florida right at the same time. We decided to take advantage of the fact that we were all on the east coast at the same time and go on a cruise together before Rob had to start his next phase of training in Jacksonville. It worked out well that Michael and I were able to drop Leah off at my mom's house on our way down to Florida. She was a great sport to watch Leah for us so that we could really enjoy ourselves. (Thanks Mom!).

While in Corpus Christi, the Arthurs introduced us to our new favorite game, the 90's game. They even brought it on the cruise and we played lots. Here's a couple shots of us playing in our stateroom (That sounded kind of weird. I should clarify; we played in Michael and my stateroom. The way I typed that, it started to sound a bit like we were all in the same room. Not so much. The Arthurs are our bff's, but we did have separate rooms).

Jenn and Rob trying very hard to think of an answer. They are very worried that we are going to beat them.
Nice form, Rob. It was probably this roll that won the game for you two.

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