We've had a bit of a bed problem ever since we became a family of four. I'm not sure if it's a problem of too few rooms or the wrong beds or what, but bedtime has always been a bit of a rigamaroo. Two cribs in their room, a pack n play in the kitchen, a bassinet hiding out my closet. Lots of options. You never knew who was going to sleep where and in what bed. I recently discovered that Leah's crib had been recalled so we returned that one to the store and moved her to Ian's crib. Then Ian was relegated to the bassinet.

It's a cute bassinet, but I really got the feeling that Ian was beyond it when he started standing up in it. Safety is of the utmost importance around here (which explains why we would put an 8 month old to sleep in a bassinet). It was on this day that Ian was then assigned to the pack n play, which is now shuffled around for naptime and bedtime. Ian spends his naptime in my room and then I have the distinct pleasure of moving the pack n play back into the kid's room for bedtime each day. Yikes. I'm expecting that we'll have more bedrooms in our house in Beijing. Boy, we'll sure know how to put all that room to good use!

Speaking of sleeping, a few weeks ago I put Leah down for her nap, forgetting that I had left a couple of clean shirts hanging on Leah's (Ian's) crib to dry. Leah took this opportunity to stage a wardrobe change.

"Hey, Mom, I've got my clothes changed. Now can I just get out of bed already??!?"
I can't tell you how awesome I think that girl is. Being a mom is such a gift.
You are killing me with these stories. Glad they are going on the blog